Some highlights of public engagement involving CDT Neurotechnology students are listed below.

brilliant club logo The Brilliant Club is an award-winning charity that aims to increase the number of pupils from underrepresented backgrounds progressing to highly-selective universities.

In Autumn 2018, cohort 4 student Richard Daws gave a series of tutorials titled "Looking inside the living human brain" to four groups of six KS4 pupils and two London schools, for the Brilliant Club. Richard talked about how cognitive neuroscientists use brain imaging techniques to ask questions around brain function

brain 2.0Will neural enhancement change society?
And what should we do about it?

CDT Neurotechnology students oganised a public panel discussion on the future of neural enhancement (Jan 2018) Brain 2.0 : with panellists Dipankar Nandi | Patrick Degenaar | Jonathan Pugh | Anna Wexler | Mina Teicher, moderated by Sarah Chan

imperial festival CDT Neurotechnology students have presented interactive exhibits at the Imperial Festival in 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018.  The festival is our annual showcase of Imperial College's research, which attracts thousands of visitors each year
pint of science The Application of “F1 technology” to healthcare, in relation to collaborative work with the CDT Neurotechnology and McLaren Applied Technologies has been featured in a "Pint of Science" public lecture (May 2016), public demos in London Tech Week (June 2016) and BBC Click Live (Nov 2016 – streamed broadcast attracted 200,000 viewings to Dec 2016) and the Financial Times (Dec 2016)
unbound The software being developed for the gripAble (TM) app within CDT Neurotechnology cohort 1 project “Virtual physiotherapy for assessment and training of arm function” has been demonstrated at Science Museum Lates, Unbound Digital, Health 2.0 (Silicon valley) and had international media coverage including The Sun; CBS News
im an engineer Cohort 2 student James Clarke won the Nov 2016 heat of the online schools outreach competition "I’m an Engineer, get me out of here!" in the Diagnosis Zone
 new scientist live Demostrations of work on robotics from CDT members has been included in New Scientist Live (2016)
one show Deep brain stimulation research involved in the3 project of aligned-studnet Paolo Angeles was featured on the BBC One Show (Dec 2016)
Summary of the table's contents

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Centre Manager
Kate Hobson